I spent a week in Dumaguete for my rescue diver course at Liquid Resort in Dauin. After a surprisingly fun week (I expected a somewhat gruelling course and dismal weather), my girl and I went off to Casaroro Falls. The drop is one of the most popular attractions within Dumaguete. When we went there, we found out why.
Getting to Casaroro Falls
Casaroro Falls is in Valencia. The town lies 9km from Dumaguete City. From there, the entry point to the waterfalls is a 15- to 20-minute motorbike ride. Once at the entry point, you'll have to walk down a flight of concrete-and-steel stairs for 10 minutes or so. Then you'll enjoy another 15 minutes of trek over boulders and shin-deep-and-shivery-cold water. There used to be a concrete walk along the riverbed but it has been washed out. You'll see displaced slabs and bent iron rods as you trek. It's a free-for-all, find-your-own-way trek.
Just be sure to go there only when the weather is good. The flood lines along the river walls tell a menacing tale. There were a couple of unmaintained cottages in the area. I wish people stop building infrastructure ialong rivers, waterfalls, or mountains, especially if they are not able to maintain it. In the interest of actually getting to the waterfalls, it is best not to lose your hope if the cascading waters are not immediately within your sight.
The Motorbike We Rode
We rented a motorbike from a guy named Neil. He was refered to us by a receptionist at Harold's Mansion. He rents out bikes for 350 pesos per 24 hours. It's a pretty much decent rate because some guys offered 500 pesos per 24 hours. One guy offered to rent out his bike for 2,000 per week. I wasn't too impressed with the quality of motorbike I got but probably that's to be expected from a rental bike. Maybe Neil can offer you a better/different bike, you can inquire at 0906-742-2333.
The XRM we rented had poor clutch timing, the chain was too tight, and the wheels were not aligned. Our motorbike was able to get the job done and Neil is an awesome guy with great customer service. He even kept us updated of the weather through text and advised us some more preferable destinations like Red Rock Water Falls (we haven't had the time to go there though). I'd still rent a motorbike from him when I go back to Dumaguete, but I'd ask for a different one when I do.
The path leading up to the falls is maintained by several organisations, among them Foundation University. One of the best things about Dumaguete is the active engagement of its youth and students. On a side note, Foundation University also has its own rock climbing gym. Among their faculty is Mark, an avid climber who also teaches climbing basics. Their gym, the Greyhounds Climbing Gym, offers free sessions for first-timers. Their regular rate is 50 pesos for 3 hours of climb, 90 pesos for unlimited climb for the day, and 250 pesos for monthly membership.

1 comment:
great information. it is good idea to rent motorbike on the island so you can visit all the location. i would say visit book2wheel.com to find nearest motorbike bike rental shop on the island. you can see the prices and all the information require.
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