Thursday, December 29, 2011

Bojo River Tour: I'm a LOL Cat

LOL cats are very cute and I'd like to think I'm one of them. LOL. That's why I was all about making myself look cute when we went to Aloguinsan. Spare me this time. I rarely do self-praise. I think about myself so rarely that I am on the verge of forgetting my name. Anyway, this is part II of the Aloguinsan road trip the Boss and I had. Someone advised me nobody cares what I think and people only want directions. There's no need to give a lot of directions here. I uploaded a very huge map of Aloguinsan. That should get you to Bojo River. I did not read the full terms of use for Google Maps. I just hope I don't get a lawsuit one of these days. LOL Cats don't like fines. Bojo River, Aloguinsan, Cebu: Photos courtesy of the Boss. I sometimes call her "chicken." She eats chicken everyday. For her, coffee and chicken are synonymous with breathing.

1 comment:

Chyrel Gomez said...

lol cats are so cute. end of story.

Bal Marsius