Their number would double since Yuri has a cloning machine. (We have the in the Philippines but so far our cloning is limited to DVDs and values.) Going back, yes I would at times end a game of Red Alert 2 with a 300-strong army of Frankies. Not even the French cannon or the closely networked prisms could stop them. Bring out all your GI’s, snipers, tanks, thunder storms, pill boxes, Tesla towers—sheer number is unstoppable.
That’s quite a long premise but that’s a pseudo-premise actually (bazinga). That’s more of a tactical tip for people who are already winning a game but still want to use some tactics. These are people who do not just go for the kill. These are people who go for murder.
I am prompted to entitle this post thus because I foresee that somewhere in the future, a beauty pageant would go by the line of: “If you would genetically mutate, what would you become and why?” Real genetic mutation does not involve instant morphing but let us pretend that we are in a poorly researched sci-fi show.
If I were to answer that question, I would say I would mutate from being a man to a whore, which makes me a man-whore. But being already that, I proudly claim that I am a genetic mutation.
That’s long premise within another long and senseless premise. This post is not even remotely related to genetic mutation, save for the fact that somewhere within the text is a man-whore. This is a two-part series, because it’s Christmas and it’s the time of marathons. This is the road trip part, the second one will be the Bojo River tour in Aloguinsan. I and the Boss went into a sort-of long trip to Aloguinsan.
We did not take the direct route instead went through Trans-central Highway. It’s a mountain pass, in case you do not know yet. And like any other mountain passes, it was full of bends and fun. We rode a Honda XR. It's a 200cc dirt bike. We went home via Manipis. Our ride profile is here, courtesy of Google Maps.

what a loser!
hey there, Gwen Garcia look-alike
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