the rain does not belong to the lucky category. it flooded hard on one river crossing. but sure is fun though. one thing about being rained one while hiking is that it stings your eyes, all the sweat on your head and forehead goes there.
anyway, went with only my camera and a pair of bulky slippers. hehe :D
bayot ka brad....
liwat nimo inday. bawal baya mga bayot diha sa malaysia
cat's meow, eh.
<3 long walks like this. thick clouds above, just you and your bag or whaterver, and the rain if you're lucky.
the rain does not belong to the lucky category. it flooded hard on one river crossing. but sure is fun though. one thing about being rained one while hiking is that it stings your eyes, all the sweat on your head and forehead goes there.
anyway, went with only my camera and a pair of bulky slippers. hehe :D
I meant lucky the opposite. Hah. I should have stated that. Rain is only good when you're indoors or if you have business with the rain outside.
the rain loves my long, shiny hair
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