Sunday, September 27, 2015

Old Topographic Maps of Cebu

I'm terrible with directions. But, a few years ago, I did try my hands at mapping. Not that I wanted to. It's just that I couldn't afford a Garmin.

So I went about my cross-country bike rides with a compass and a soft copy (stored on my phone) of maps, screenshot from OSM. That's when I got into trying and failing miserably at map reading.

I was inspired by Ronnie Murring, Ed Cardew, and Doc Ryan, some guys who have cycled some of the most remote places in the island. But I think they're doing something that I'm not or they know something I don't. Either, I still keep on trying.

A few weeks ago, I came across some old topographic maps from National Mapping and Resource Information Authority (NAMRIA).

I can't tell what it is, but there's something about these old maps that draw me into them. But they're poorly organized on the official NAMRIA website, so here's my attempt at putting their maps in order. The list is incomplete so far (I've got work to do, I can't do this all in one day). But I'll update this next month when I find the time.

Toledo; parts of Pinamungahan, Southern Cebu, Central Cebu, Naga
Aloguinsan, Barili, San Fernando, Carcar; parts of Pinamungahan, Dumanjug, Naga, and Sibonga
Alcantara and Argao; parts of Ronda, Badian, Alegria, and Dalaguete
Malabuyoc, Ginatilan, Alcoy, Boljoon; parts of Alegria, Oslob; small section of Dalaguete

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